One Summit

One Summit has become an annual event intended to feature aspects of our integrated campus. At this time, we come together to consider what One Loma Linda means to the clinical, academic, and research components of Loma Linda.

Our growing system of Institutes is one example of this integration. There are now 11 Institutes and 23 Centers that are designed to feature collaboration focused on academics, clinical services, and research. This year we are inviting 7-8 minute features on each of these three aspects by selected Institutes, as well as an overview from Research Affairs and MarCom.

Transplantation Institute
International Heart Institute
Institute for Community Partnerships
Neuroscience Institute
Cancer “Center”
Behavioral Health Institute
Global Health Institute
Institute for Genetics and Translational Genomics

Research Affairs – July, 2022 - June, 2023
MarCom – July, 2022- June, 2023
