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Adventism and Catholicism in a Changing World

Date: October 12, 2024
Time: 3:00pm
Location: Damazo Amphitheater (Centennial Complex, 24760 Stewart Street)

Reinder Bruinsma, PhD
Denis Fortin, PhD
Rev. Romanus Ike

The Seventh-day Adventist and Roman Catholic Churches have had a turbulent relationship through the years. But in today’s world many people see them as having much more in common than what separates them. The panel will explore the intriguing question of what the two churches can learn from each other and what that might imply for the future. Reinder Bruinsma will premier his new book on the topic at the close of the program.

Sponsored by Loma Linda University Center for Understanding World Religions and Humanities Program

For more information, call 909-558-7478 or email religion@llu.edu